W2BUSINESS - best internet solutions for your business

W2BUSINESS - best internet solutions for your business!

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W2BUSINESS Sp. z o.o.
KRS: 0000519076
tel: +48(539)282337
skype: w2business.pl
31-831, Polska, Kraków, ul. Fatimska 41a/310


W2B holding started in 2008, collect specialist from many countries and now has professionals in 7 countries. Our specialization is web marketing, also we provide websites support, removing viruses from computer and web pages, translations, we provide administrative and legal services, and solutions for all business sectors.


Maintenance, creating and editing of websites - HTML / PHP / JAVA / CSS / MySql, work with databases, processing of graphics, banners


Analysis, audit, creation and improvement of advertising campaigns Google Adwords, Yandex Direct, analysis and recommendations to promote SEO / SMO / Direct Marketing


Creation and maintenance of accounting books accounting, tax calculation, the provision of a legal address.

Price and support packages

Price per month

Maintenance of the site, HTML / PHP / JAVA / CSS / MySql, work with databases, processing of graphics, banners

Management advertising campaigns Google Adwords, Yandex Direct, analysis and recommendations promoting SEO / SMO / Direct mail

Management of the company, accounting books, tax calculations, legal address


More information about packages

Without service package
€ / hour





Removal of viruses
50 € / site

st 4 hours



The package for site security, provided removal of viruses and 30 days warranty.

Site update
100 € / site

10 hours



Servise package for site testing, design updates, engine updates, adaptation for mobile devices.

Audit and optimization of advertising campaigns
от 100 €

4 hours

4 hours


Package to improve advertising campaigns Google AdWords, Yandex Direct, SEO.

W2B support MICRO
25 € / year

2 hours



Package for a minimum service to display the site throughout the year

W2B support S
50 € / month

5 hours

1 hour

1 hour

The package is the best solution for start period of the company

W2B support M
250 € / month

40 hours

10 hours

4 hours

The package allows you to fully secure the services of the administrator, secretary, accountant

W2B support L
1000 € / month

200 hours

60 hours

20 hours

The package allows you to fully secure the services of the administrator, secretary, accountant

W2B support CORP
2 500 € / month

500 hours

120 hours

50 hours

The package allows you to fully secure the services of the administrator, secretary, accountant

Our Latest Projects

Some of our recent projects:

Contact Us

W2BUSINESS Sp. z o.o.
KRS: 0000519076
tel: +48(539)282337
skype: w2business.pl
31-831, Polska, Kraków, ul. Fatimska 41a/310